Rain Water Harvesting Services

We at Om Sai Enterprises expertise in Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) Systems. Rainwater harvesting is the most sustainable and effective way for many years to make water available in the areas lacking water. Rainwater harvesting is a very low-cost method along with lots of benefits. It helps in various purposes like household works, field irrigation, livestock, agriculture and animal husbandry. We always focus on utilizing natural resources optimally and conserving it through rainwater harvesting.
Our professionals assist the clients in clearing the entire basic concepts and techniques used in rendering Rainwater harvesting services. Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) consists of a collection of runoff, treatment to rainwater, storage, and use. Rainwater can be also be directly recharged into the groundwater. RWH helps in achieving self-sufficiency in water, raises groundwater level, Improves groundwater quality and helps to reduce soil erosion. It is less expensive and easy to maintain the system.
Why Rain Water Harvesting?
Water is the reason why life exists on planet Earth, without it life is unimaginable. However, freshwater sources are becoming scarce with the passage of time. Reports of several global agencies, including the United Nations, indicating that if the current situation of water does not change and preventive measures are not taken, then the world will start to run out of fresh water by 2050. Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable process that helps in preserving rain water for different purposes and for future needs as well. Rainwater Harvesting is a method of collecting and storing rain water to be used for various purposes while it can be used in future as well.

Global warming is taking its toll on the climate pattern across the world. Rains have become unpredictable in nature with some regions suffering from usual than longer dry spells, while some region is hit by incessant rain. Rain hit regions are unable to utilize or control the excess waters, which leads to the flood-like situation. Rainwater harvesting can help overcome the problem of the flood, while also helping in storing excess water that can help in providing water to the water-scarce region. This renewable source of water management can help in overcoming major water-related problems, that is not only plaguing the world right now but can have a severe impact on the global population and environment in the future.