Rain Water Harvesting Installation Services

Rain Water Harvesting Installation Services

Property Tax 5% Reduce Related Support in Pune
  • We at Om Sai Enterprises expertise in Rain Water Harvesting Installation Services. Rainwater harvesting is the most sustainable and effective way for many years to make water available in the areas lacking water.
  • Rainwater harvesting is a very low-cost method along with lots of benefits. We always focus on utilizing natural resources optimally and conserving it through rainwater harvesting.
  • The State Government will encourage rainwater harvesting on the rooftops of both the government and private buildings.
  • The Pune Municipal Corporation’s standing committee approved the civic body’s proposal to promote rainwater harvesting, especially in old housing societies, by giving them financial aid.
  • RWH helps in achieving self-sufficiency in water, raises groundwater level, Improves groundwater quality and helps to reduce soil erosion. It is less expensive and easy to maintain the system.

Methods of Rainwater Harvesting system

Surface Run-off Rainwater Harvesting system:: The rainwater that flows off in the urban areas can be collected and stored to recharge the groundwater level or the aquifer bed, instead of letting the water flow into the drains.
Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting system:: In rooftop harvesting the rainwater is directly collected from the roof of the buildings and transported either into a tank or an artificial aquifer. Through this method, the harvested water can be used for daily use purposes (including drinking and cooking, only after purifying the water at a basic level) and for recharging the aquifers and help restore the groundwater level.



"Water Is Precious Save It". Do You Harvest Rain Water?

Install The Rain Water Harvesting System Around Your Residence

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